Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Alpha's Regret-My Luna Has A Son

Num Chapters:149
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Chapter 149: Epilogue

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Information of Alpha's Regret, My Luna Has A Son novel:

CP: Everly and Valen 

Alpha's Regret- My Luna Has A Son by Jessica Hall is a completed fantasy romance novel with 155 shows. The story begins when the Everly of Shadow Moon Pack gives birth to a son for Alpha Valen, Blood Alpha of the Dark Blood Pack, and also for a bunch of opponents. Feeling betrayed by his daughter, Everly's father banished her from the herd and forced her to live as a rogue with his newborn sons. But a few years later, Blood Alpha suddenly came to arrest her and their son.

Readers Ratings of Alpha's Regret, My Luna Has A Son novels:

The completed fantasy romance novel Alpha's Regret- My Luna Has A Son deals with the consequences of mistakes, the hardships of being abandoned as well as the value of family and fatherhood, making the story become engaging and engaging to read. The story revolves around Everly, who is pregnant with Alpha Valen's son and has to raise the boy while living as a rogue woman.
If you like dark romance and werewolf fantasy, this novel by Jessica Hall is well worth checking out. It also covers important topics that might resonate with readers. If you're a fan of the strong and independent heroine, you should join Everly in her journey as a rogue luna in the Alpha's Regret- My Luna Has A Son novel.

Where should you read the full Alpha's Regret, My Luna Has A Son novel?

The book Alpha's Regret, My Luna Has A Son has updated the latest and most complete chapters at website Update daily to get the latest chapter of this novel here.

Above is information about Alpha's Regret, My Luna Has A Son novel. We hope you enjoy the content of this book. Leave a comment if you have any questions about this book at here.

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