Camp Closeted

Chapter 10: Almost Pasta Way

"This was completely unintentional Mike I'm really sorry." Dallas apologized for the 100th time as we walked towards the restroom.

"Micah." I let out.

"What?" He glanced at me.

"It's Micah not Mike." I spoke out, wanting to throw up at the feeling of this food drying on my hair and skin.

"Oh sorry. I've only heard your name from other people saying it, not actually coming from you so I apologize." He anxiously coughed, his attention not leaving me.

"You apologize a lot." I tried to smile.

"Sorry." He quickly closed his eyes and smiled, catching himself apologize again. "I'm just so used to it." He said, making me slightly confused.

"What do you mean you're used to it?" I asked, watching the restroom get closer in distance.

"Well it seems like I can never do anything right. Just ask Posh. I've let him down on his orders so many times and I hate myself for it. If you really love someone you won't let them down and I keep letting him down." He ranted, visibly frustrated in himself.

"Dallas, you're his boyfriend, not his peasant. You need to stop apologizing for such small things, like carrying his bag wrong or something." We finally entered the restroom, hearing my wet footsteps echo through the stalls.

Dallas remained quiet as he got a hand full of napkins and quickly dampened them, moving closer towards me after.

"Don't move." His light hazel eyes scanned over me as his hand gently wiped the food off my face. "Damn, I really wanted to eat this lasagna too."

I couldn't help but softly laugh as I replied. "Instead you turned me into a lasagna monster." He chuckled.

wipe off the food. As our gaze continued to grow deeper, his hand movements progressively got slower,

I watched his bright hazel eyes

my life." I rolled my eyes as I rapidly turned towards the mirror. "I-I can handle from here." I broke the pause, his eyes

he moved away, wiping his hand on

it's nothing." I

fell silent once again, a sound beginning to ring around our ears. It sounded like someone was listening to music in one of the stalls. "Don't mind it." Dallas waved. "It's just

to him. They find him kinda weird. I personally don't think he's weird, I just never got

that Logan and Benny were still

pasta boy." Logan teases as I walked back towards them with a shy facial

my eyes. "Is that what people call me now?" I sat down,

"You're lucky people here have a very short attention span. They're always looking for the next big thing to talk about. They probably forgot

"Thank god." I sighed.

the camp so don't be confused if you see him around taking pictures. Andrew meet Micah, Micah meet Andrew." His

you." I smiled, slowly taking in every aspect of his perfect face. His sandy brown hair effortlessly shifting as he moved closer to greet me, his sharp jawline flexing at me as I got a better look

eyes warmed up to me as he fixed his glasses closer towards his face. "Nice to meet you too.

help but laugh. "Yea when it happened I almost pasta way."

shut up." Benny rolled his eyes

wow, how cute." Andrew chuckled

one, pasta boy." Logan narrowed his eyes at me with

me, sipping out of a small

if I was rich as them, which I am not. Then Milan proceeded

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