Ice and Fire

Chapter 81 Return To The Military's Residential Compound

Jackson drove his car from the military's residential compound to the pub at full speed.

When he got out of his car, Jackson saw that his gangsters had already surrounded the pub. He was impressed by Bobby Li's smartness, because Bobby knew exactly what he was talking about on the phone with him earlier.

It was afternoon, and Jackson walked straight into the pub and saw that lots of people were already having fun at that hour of the day. His presence there drew lots of attention from the pub's customers.

Jackson passed through the hall and rushed to Stephen's office.

Bobby and the rest of the gangsters followed him closely from the back.

When he reached the door, Jackson kicked it open with a bang.

Inside the office, Stephen was sitting at his desk in front of his computer, and as soon as he saw Jackson's furious face, he immediately knew what was happening.

Jackson said nothing, and instead came to Stephen's desk, lifted him up from his chair by his collar, and stared at him with an intense fury gleaming in his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Stephen. Stephen's face also turned dark, because Jackson treated him in an extremely rude and violent manner.

"As you wouldn't know already." Jackson was so angry that he wanted to punch Stephen straight in the face.

He added, "Tell me, where is she?"

Jackson gritted his teeth in silent fury. Why did Stephen know of Cherry's whereabouts, when he, Cherry's own husband, didn't? 'What the hell is he planning with Cherry?' he thought.

Stephen tilted his head and avoided the fierce look Jackson gave him. He answered, "I don't know."

When he heard him, Jackson couldn't help but punch him in the face.

The pub's security personnel, who were standing outside, wanted to rush inside the office to protect their boss, but were intimidated and stopped by Bobby Li's gangsters.

Jackson's sudden violence completely angered Stephen, and he started to fight back.

you, but you come here to make trouble for me! Why are you so sure that I know where she

holding Stephen by the collar, and answered, "Stephen, I must have underestimated your abilities, my

since he knew that Jackson must have realized by now of Cherry's disappearance. However, even if he told Jackson about Cherry's hiding place, Jackson still couldn't bring his wife back.


me. Tell me where she is, now!" Jackson was losing his patience, and he desperately needed to know where

think that I'll tell you

punched Stephen in

you don't want to die, tell me immediately!" Flames of fury

endured Jackson's violence without any kind of protests. He was doing this for Cherry's sake, and he was more than willing to endure the

He said, "Jackson,

stared at Stephen, and slowly

he heard this, Stephen started to laugh loudly.

at Stephen,

and he held no curiosity towards it, even

Besides, I also see you chose to play your grandfather's trump card this time, " said Stephen. He then curiously looked

me where Cherry is." Jackson didn't think about anything else, and almost shouted at him. His only wish was to find out information about Cherry's

well that I won't tell you that. Why are you still wasting your

bulldoze your pub overnight..." Jackson wasn't neither joking,

you, " immediately replied Stephen, while a sudden fear came over him. He then became serious again, and with defiance, replied, "Didn't you also treat my family

fail, I can promise you that." As long as he knew about Cherry's whereabouts, he would forgive Stephen for everything. He only

woman. Now, you're doing it again, aren't you? Well, you can do whatever you want, I don't really care." Stephen made his mind to keep Cherry's hiding place unknown to Jackson. He had promised Cherry that he would keep her

saw the sadness building up in Stephen's eyes. He had never forgotten the tragedy, even though many years had passed since it happened. He had acted unfairly to Stephen's family in those years, but he had to do it for Sally's sake.

he saw the

to Jackson, and said, "Jackson, calm down, there's no need to

the past. If he ever had to choose between Stephen and Jackson, he certainly would have chosen

in an infuriated tone, he asked again, "Tell me, where is she? This

never know, "

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