Ice and Fire

Chapter 120 Your Son Got Into A Fight

When Jackson came back to the military residential compound, he found his grandpa still awake and watching TV in the living room.

When Andrew saw that his grandson had returned, he hastily said, "Jackson, you're home!"

"Yes, grandpa, " answered Jackson, while coming forward to greet him.

Andrew let his grandson sit beside him on the sofa, and with concern in his voice asked, "How was the party tonight?"

"Boring, just like other parties, " said Jackson, indifferent.

"Alright, " nodded Andrew. Jackson seemed to be upset, and Andrew wondered what had really happened.

He added, "Was everything okay at the party?"

Jackson nodded, and answered, "Yes, everything was alright."

"Then why do you seem upset?" asked Andrew directly, unwilling to conceal any of his concern. He hoped that his beloved grandson would talk with him, and he was willing to help Jackson out of any trouble to snap him out of his sadness.

Jackson thought for a few moments, and decided not to mention Cherry in front of his grandpa. He chose to drop the topic, and said, "It's about the Future Project. Almost everybody at the party was talking about it tonight, and things seems to be getting more intense by each passing day."

Andrew nodded, and thought that Jackson was right. Currently, the Future Project was a big news for the whole city, and it had drawn a lot of attention.

"Can you get it done?" asked Andrew.

Jackson thought seriously before answering him, "I can do it. Selina is now running the JS Company pretty good, and if Selina helps me, I can win the campaign. Please trust me on it."

Andrew nodded to Jackson in approval, and replied, "Of course I trust you, but I'm afraid that something unexpected may happen."

Speaking of the unexpected, Jackson suddenly thought of Wilson. 'He's a real surprise to me. His appearance did make a difference in the business world, and also affected my agenda in a major way. As long as the Future Project remains unaffected, I won't do anything to Wilson. I'll take advantage of the Future Project to defeat him completely, just like what I did to the Shen Group. He must be gone from this city forever, ' thought Jackson.

He thought seriously and quickly, and then said to his grandpa, "Don't worry, I have everything under control for now."

Andrew heard what his grandson said. He nodded, and thought that his grandson had finally grown up and was able to deal with difficult matters all on his own now.

Jackson felt a bit tired, and said to Andrew, "Grandpa, you shouldn't stay up so late. Goodnight."

" replied Andrew.

going upstairs, Andrew felt happy and worried at the same time.

Andrew. As he looked at Jackson's disappearing figure, he quietly asked, "Master, do

that the Chu Family is behind the JS Company, and that Jackson is its true master, its nominal CEO is, after all, Selina, so, it may be difficult to

knew what Andrew meant with that, and added, "Well, shall we

thought for a few moments and shook his head. "No, be patient. I don't think Jackson will fail with

spoke no more about the

thought of something, and asked, "What has been Sally plotting out these

shook his head. He replied, "We did our research, but we couldn't find anything useful. She's been living at the house provided

said, "She's been here for five years already, and we still don't

just to be back together with Jackson. Besides, a girl as innocent and

She's anything but innocent and weak. All of the people

said and then

couple of moments later, Andrew had to shake his hand helplessly. He said, "Never mind, just forget it. I'll think more of it when trouble occurs, but for now help me get up to go to

the butler helped Andrew stand

look at his butler

answered the butler.

the morning, Cherry went to the company and found that Caroline had already arrived. Cherry greeted Caroline and sat facing her

Selina also arrived at

saw that Cherry

morning, "

her, "Good morning, Ms.

Caroline, and as she came closer to Cherry, she

her a big smile in reply.

come with me." She then turned to Caroline, and said, "I'll be attending a board meeting


to her

hurried to arrange the necessary paperwork, and when Selina came out of her office, Cherry carried her bag and followed her out of

the backseat of the car. For some time, they said nothing to each other,

suddenly turned to Cherry,

could finish her sentence, Cherry's mobile

to ask her something, but she had to answer

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