Ice and Fire

Chapter 141 My Son, My One And Only

Selina and Cherry drove to the cafe separately in their own cars. After they arrived, they sat across each other at a corner table.

Cherry took a sip of her coffee, and said, "Go ahead, I'm listening. What do you want to talk about?"

Selina looked at Cherry, and after she carefully weighed her words, she said, "Cherry, I'm sorry for what I've done to the Shen Group, I didn't know that Harrison was your father. I thought..."

But Cherry interrupted her before she could say a word more.

"Never mind. Leave it be, " said Cherry.

But Selina insisted on the subject and continued, "No, Cherry, please, you have to listen to me. I really had no idea that Harrison was your father. If I had, I would have tried to stop Jackson."

Selina looked as though she had misunderstood everything, and didn't know why she insisted on explaining the truth to Cherry. Maybe it was because she felt bad that Cherry flared up to her earlier in the afternoon, and wanted to straighten things up with Cherry again.

Cherry pondered for a while, and said, "Selina, I understand and I don't blame you. Jackson always gets what he wants, with or without your help."

Her words made Selina feel even worse. Cherry seemed to have forgiven her, but Selina knew that Cherry had been badly hurt by the things that they had done to her.

Selina said resignedly, "Actually, Derek told me that it was your abrupt departure and not Harrison's offence that made Jackson destroy the Shen Group."

Cherry turned her head and looked out the window, and said, "I know. He hates me."

"No, " said Selina quickly, "Jackson loves you! You have to believe him, Cherry!"

Selina tried to defend Jackson, because she was sure that he still loved Cherry.

"I can't afford his exclusive love, " replied Cherry.

When Selina looked at her gloomy expression, sadness also struck her, and tears also started to well up in her eyes.

"Why don't you want to make up with Jackson?" asked Selina, slowly starting to sob.

This took Cherry aback for a moment.

Cherry saw tears falling from Selina's eyes on her cheeks.

Cherry wanted to comfort her, but didn't know what to say to her. "Selina..."

But Selina interrupted her, and said, "Do you know that Jackson has been suffering since the first day he was born? Why do you have to punish him like this?" Selina didn't mean to blame Cherry, but wanted to speak out for Jackson.

Cherry looked surprised at Selina, but she didn't interrupt her. Instead, she listened to her.

time, Derek and I could tell that Jackson was always very

the outside world around him. But, unfortunately that didn't last either,

I could tell that he was smiling happily over the phone when he informed me of the good news. From that day on, I believed that you're Jackson's one true love,

then stopped, but Cherry knew that the next part of story was about

you. He's never hated you, and even if he

she said to herself, 'How could

Cherry, who understood Selina's kindness towards Jackson.

want to get back together with Jackson?" asked Selina anxiously, eager to know the answer. She truly hoped that Cherry and Jackson would eventually get back together.

away from her. She said, "I don't think that

She continued, "Haven't you lived together? Don't you already know what kind of person Jackson is? What are you afraid of? With Jackson protecting

resignation clearly heard in her tone, replied, "Selina, you don't understand me,

She knew that if she did that, Selina would definitely tell everyone about him, and then they would have

more from Cherry when she saw her reluctance to

sat at the table in silence. Eventually, Cherry said, "Selina, can I ask you for a


and how he is. After all, he is my father, " said Cherry in a gentle voice. It pained her to remember what Harrison had done

nodded, and said,

saw Selina's prompt promise. She

said, "Are you going to

elated that she immediately took out

Selina's arm, and said, "Don't tell him about

and dialed Jackson.

He answered quickly.

" said Jackson drowsy.

where are you?" asked Selina,

home. What's

at the family residence." She didn't know if Jackson was at his condo or at the military residence compound.

in my flat, "

then, "

Has something

I have to go now, bye, " said Selina, wanting to hang

take care. And don't stay out too late!" said

the call was over, Selina gladly grabbed Cherry's

suspected that Jackson was at their old home.

looked at Selina, and said, "Okay, got it. I'll go and

and said, "Cherry, you have to talk with Jackson tonight and listen to what he

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