Chapter 7

Shortly after, Erica walked out of the house. “Darling, why are you out here early in the morning? You haven‘t had breakfast yet.”

“Mommy!” The little boy immediately dropped the toy and threw himself into Erica‘s arms. Erica picked him up. “Yesterday, Daddy said he would tell me a story, but he left right after having dinner.”

“When I reach the office later, I‘ll ask your daddy to give you a video call and apologize to vou. Is that all right?”


Genevieve staggered toward Erica, ashen–faced. “You! The two of you...”

The little boy looked at least three years old.

Erica turned around with the little boy in her arms. When she saw Genevieve, a glint of panic flashed across her face. “Genevieve, w–what brings you here?‘

With that, she rushed back to the house with the child in her arms.

Genevieve effortlessly caught up with Erica and grabbed the latter‘s hair. She then slapped Erica across her face.

you financially to complete your university studies. I even let you enter Specter Corporation and bought a house for you,

been together for long. Unexpectedly, they had a child this old.

that very moment, she realized

realized she had been betrayed by her two favorite persons since long ago. It felt as though the two of them had

reddened as she kept hitting Erica. Even the

moved in between them, grabbed Genevieve‘s hair, and pulled her away. She was tossed aside and

see Cooper standing right before her with a solemn expression. “Genevieve, what the heck are you doing here?”

– –

that she had been in love with for more than ten years. “Your parents passed away, and it was my father who took you into

Cooper‘s face darkened.

settle this matter. Supposedly, no one else knew about it. Cooper wondered how Genevieve had figured it out.

looked up at him. In a fit of rage, she huffed, “Why did you hatch a plot to hurt me and

destroy the Rachford family and you!” Cooper‘s gaze went

my father co–founded Specter Corporation. My father was the biggest shareholder, while your father didn‘t have a say in the company. Your father had been unhappy with it. Right after the company was launched, my whole family

Liar!” Genevieve shook her head, refusing to believe the so–called truth. She continued, “Dad always regarded you aš his own son. He gave everything to you and even allowed us

a good look at Genevieve. A vicious glare flashed across his eyes

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