Professor F

Chapter 29

August hugged Flynn back. His phone rings and it's Francis telling them he's waiting in the car at the entrance. They went down and stepped inside Francis’ silver Benz before heading to the restaurant.

"Took you a while." Francis greeted them.

"The elevators are quite packed." Flynn explained. They were both seated at the back. The trip to the restaurant was quiet and Francis stopped in front of New York’s famous Italian restaurant owned by a famous artist, Matteo de Luca. Francis is a huge fan and client of the guy. Flynn remembered meeting the guy once in an art exhibit back in London with another female artist.

August was quiet during their meal, just listening to Francis and Flynn talking. For some reason, Francis doesn't talk so much about Stella and their family knowing about her again.

They were just talking about the project. Could Flynn have said something to Francis?

"How's the food, Augustine?" Francis asked. Despite telling him to call her August, he kept calling her Augustine which is fine but she's just not use to it.

"It's delicious." She smiled as she answered. The only words that escaped her lips throughout their lunch.

They left that Italian restaurant and head to the site. Flynn introduced her to five more people as Augustine Peters, nothing more. The men didn't ask anymore questions as well which she finds odd.

What do they think of her coming with Flynn at the site?

the design. The men also discussed to meet the city mayor next month.

waits for her to walk beside him which she finds rather awkward, as if

Flynn bring women in his visits on some projects? Did he bring other students to observe in the past? Making

on real time reporting and communication with Flynn since they knew he's working as a


the men and Francis drove them back to the hotel before going to the airport for his flight back to London. He mentioned he'd be staying in New York once the construction starts. And Flynn may also come back to New

to review the photos she took at the site. "Here. I had fun. Thanks for bringing me with you. It was

August." He kissed her forehead and waited for her to get inside her room. He waved goodbye but she caught him swallowing hard, looking at her as

decided to take a shower. She was drying her hair wearing her silk robe in the dark with only the city lights giving that

Flynn meant when he said it's not the right time. With that


by the raindrops falling on the

the blanket over her shoulders. She hides under her blanket when she saw the lightning in the sky and covered her ears anticipating the loud

She couldn't sleep.


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