Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart

Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart

Authors:Emily Jenkins
Num Chapters:1208
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Chapter 1211 Ending

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Emelia Jones had been a dedicated wife during her three years of marriage with Julian Hughes. She thought she could eventually win his love with her gentleness. But ultimately, she realized that this man was a downright iceberg. With a broken heart, she put an end to the relationship. In those three years, Julian always thought his wife to be dull and boring. But who could've expected that, such a woman would slam the divorce papers on his face in front of everyone, right at the anniversary event of the Hughes Group. Years after the divorce, when Emelia won the Best Screenplay and Julian presented the award to her, The usually aloof man suddenly pleaded her, "Emelia, I was blinded before. Would you give me a second chance?" Looking at him with an entrancing smile on her face, she spoke impassively, "Sorry Mr. Hughes, I'm married to my job now."

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