The Alphas prize

Chapter 23: Snooping

Cain POV:

I rounded my desk and sat in my chair; Ryder entered my office and closed the door before approaching my desk.

I glared at him for interrupting my moment with Freja. “You better have a damn good reason for disturbing me,” I said in a low and dangerous tone.

His eyes flicked around the room, avoiding my stare. “I apologize for interrupting, sir, but it’s about Calyx. I overheard him speaking with Samara about joining him.”

My eyes widened and confusion wrapped around me. Samara had always been loyal to me, and to think that she was conspiring with my brother to kill my mate and me, threw me for a loop. I shook my head, refusing to believe this. “No, that can’t be right Ryder, she would never do something like that. Samara has always been a loyal pack member.”

Ryder sighed heavily. “I know, sir, she has been an upstanding pack member, but I heard Calyx tell her to meet him later today to discuss the plans.” So he Informed me, regret lacing his tone.

I was taken aback by this new information; first, my own brother and now other members of my pack were conspiring against Freja and me to take us out and kill us. My head was spinning with everything, and I could not comprehend it all entirely. I pinched the bridge of my nose as I tried to think of my next move and how to handle this shit show of a situation, as my father would. Taking Freja out tonight was probably a bad idea, but if something happened to either of us, I didn’t want to waste this valuable time we had left together and show her the man she deserves.

I stood from my chair and started to pace the room. “I want you to get a few of your most trusted men together and have the men follow them both, don’t tell them why; just instruct them to follow Samara and Calyx. Freja and I will be going out tonight, and I don’t want anyone to find out. Any details of importance you discover, notify me immediately, understood?”

Ryder nodded his head “Yes, Alpha, understood. Will you be taking any men with you tonight?”

I wondered for a moment if I should, but aside from Ryder and Freja, who could, I trust right now? “No, it will just be us two.”

He was silent for a moment; I could tell Ryder was against this, especially with the threat lingering around us at this time, but he wouldn’t dare go against my wishes or orders. So, he just nodded reluctantly. “Be safe, Alpha and I’ll report if needed.”

“Thank you, Ryder.” He then straightened himself and left my office, leaving me there with my never-ending thoughts.

Freja POV:

I left Cain’s office and went to find Samara, hoping she had found something out or gotten in with Calyx. As I walked down the hall, I was abruptly grabbed and yanked into a dark room. I started to thrash around, trying to free myself and was about to scream for Cain when a hand was clasped over my mouth “Shh, don’t scream, it’s me, Samara.” She whispered before removing her hand and releasing me. I whipped around to see that it was Samara and was instantly relieved. For a moment, I had thought this was it, and I was about to die. With everything going on lately, I am constantly on edge.

I smacked her arm “Fuck Samara, you scared the shit out of me.” I scolded her.

Samara gave me a remorseful expression. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I have some news. So, Calyx overheard me talking about you to some other pack members, about how I wish you would just disappear, that I don’t like you and so on. He pulled me aside and asked me if I would like to join him in getting rid of you. Of course, I said yes, and he told me to meet him later today to discuss his plans and things in further detail.” She told me, a little excited about things.

I chuckled lightly at her, glad that I had someone I could trust to help me with all of this. “That’s great, Samara, but are you sure you are ok with doing this?” I asked, a little concerned regarding her safety.

She waved me off. “Yes, I am sure. I’ll be fine, plus we need to get to the bottom of this one way or another, and I like having you around; you’re not so bad.” Samara smirked playfully.

I smiled at her. “Ok, but if you feel unsafe, get out of there, promise?” I said sternly.

Samara rolled her eyes. “Yes, I promise.” She looked at her watch, and her eyes widened. “Shit! I have to go; I am supposed to meet with him in 20 minutes.” She started towards the door, but I stopped her before reaching for the handle. She looked back at me, a bewildered expression on her face. “Thank you for doing this Samara, I truly appreciate it, and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend,” I said honestly and wholeheartedly.

me to wonder if this was indeed a good idea. I was worried for Samara’s safety and apprehensive that this whole thing was a mistake, that Gunnar was right. I waited a few moments before leaving the bedroom, hoping no one would see me, but just as I closed the door and

my neck up to glare at him. “Fuck giganto, that felt

“Are you alright?” He questioned in a deep, baritone

little honest. My

was scolding me. What he said and how he had

nodded in agreement. “Your right; I will be more attentive,” I

the staircase. I stood there, thinking about the last good memory I had with Gunnar; it was our training session on the day before the final battle. Since coming here, the memory had been my cushion, something I reflected on many times to get through this life-changing reality. This whole situation had been a mind twister; it had been hard on me. Especially in the beginning and I had felt lost at times, but thinking of my family was what helped me to get through it. Now, things

if I could find more on him, something that may help me. I knew he was supposed to be meeting with Samara right now, and this would be my

around me once more and turned the knob. I was kind of surprised that his door was unlocked; it made me wonder if I would even find anything if he were this trusting. I pushed the door open and closed it behind me but left it slightly open so I could hear

walls were light blue, hardwood flooring, modern style furniture and a large bed, with white blankets that neatly hugged the mattress. Not

a nightstand next to the bed, and I explored that next, finding nothing again. As I closed the table's small drawer, I heard a clunk. I pulled the drawer out again and closed it again, hearing the clunk once more. Finally,

someone in the hallway walking towards the room. I quickly stuffed the key into my pocket and bolted towards the door, casually opening it and closing it behind me. I walked out, acting as casual as

and angry Cain bellowed out,

I said casually, trying to hide the fact that I was just in there snooping around his brother’s room because he

more and more turned on

and cleared my throat, saying the first thing that came to mind. “I was going to ask Calyx to

he glared down at me. “No, if you want to go somewhere, Ryder or I will

is that?” I fully agreed with him, I didn’t want to be alone with Calyx, but I didn’t want Cain to know, not yet. My eyes trailed off from his, roaming down his beautiful body. Cain chuckled softly. “My eyes are up here, love, and because

rolled my eyes. “Fine, whatever you say, Alpha,” I said

his chest, and he took a taunting step towards me, backing me into the door. He placed a

between those vivid green orbs and those soul-consuming black holes. The corner of his mouth pulled back into a grin. “Do you need another lesson in proper behaviour, my love?” Cain

my legs quivered. The heat was pooling between my legs now, thinking of the things Cain

released a heavy breath. “Yes, I do,” I said in a

neck, leaving small pecks here and there.

He whispered in my ear before kissing me passionately and walking away, leaving me a horny mess. I gaped at him as he walked down the stairs. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I hollered at him, and his response was a hearty chuckle,

that. I straightened myself and fixed my clothing, then remembered the key in my pocket. I wanted to go back into his room and look more,

and I had 3 hours before my date with Cain. I decided to go into the library and roam around; maybe I could find something in there that may be helpful. Walking into the room, I closed the door behind me. I instantly felt a sense of calm

approached the desk, I saw a small lamp, some books, and a picture frame were sprawled about on the wooden top. A leather chair sat behind the desk; I sat in the chair and glanced at the

families, so on and so forth. I flipped through the pages, glancing at some of them and reading the information written down. I finally reached Cain and his family’s history page. I read the pages carefully, drinking in every written detail. Everything seemed to be as expected, just like all the other stories I had just flipped through, except the page about Calyx. His picture had been marked on, bright red letters now covered half of

in the chair, a little confused as to why the younger son was Alpha and not the eldest. As far as I knew, it was always the older son who took the title of Alpha. So why was Cain Alpha and

picked up the diary; it was old, withered and used. I opened the book, and the pages crinkled. Page after page had been written on, it was almost complete, except the last few pages. I turned back to the first page and started to read the entry. This diary belonged

was changing into someone she didn’t recognize. Then, finally, she spoke of an incident, and

heard the library door open. I quickly stuffed the book into the desk drawer and started to walk towards the door. I looked all around, searching for the person that had opened the door, but it seemed as though I was completely alone. I walked out of the room

Adela POV:

I have to acquire something before proceeding. Finally, Calyx emerged from the trees; he strolled towards me, showing off and acting like a big shot. I

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